Benchmarking & Competitor Monitoring Feature

Track and search across all your competitors' ads in a single platform

Search within all your competitors' ads on Social and Display automatically. On top of tracking your competitors, you'll get on the platform the most complete marketing searches ever made for ads creative, but also email marketing flows, newsletters, and landing pages.

Get curated results on any specific ad search you might think of - in seconds.

Panoramata offers a complete platform to find ecommerce marketing inspiration and monitor your competitors marketing strategy - including the ability to search for ads creatives and copy, thanks to one of the largest curated directory available.

Search with any keyword to get curated ads creative and copy

Get access to one of the largest curated ecommerce ad directory in the industry.

Get results on any request you might have: looking to get ads inspiration, specific competitors example,  before/after creatives - or anything else you can think of.


Get advertising examples and inspiration from a specific brand

Need to get access to some brands ad creative examples - or the copy they've been regularly using ? 

On each brand page, get access to a curated directory with the examples you're looking for.

Filter by industry, language, networks, asset type,  and much more...

To get even more accurate results for competitor monitoring or inspiration purposes, use our advanced filters in your search to directly get the ad examples you need.


Upgrade your ads creative and inspiration today

We offer clear and no-commitment plans with unlimited access. You can get started right away - or book a 15min demo with Mehdi (I'm the founder, hi! 👋) if you want!
Get Started for Free

1 minute signup, no Credit Card required

mehdi, founder of panoramata
Book a Demo

with Mehdi, our founder


"I'msaving a day a week.
I don't miss anything anymore and don't have to think about tracking competitors."

"It's crazy good and easy to use, we can track everything! I feel like a Sherlock Holmes for emails, ads & landings"

"It's way easier to plan my content calendareven for events such as Christmas or Black Friday"

Some brands you can track on the platform:

A whole platform built to monitor competitors marketing strategy and benchmark ecommerce best practices

We offer much more than just ads search - a complete platform built to help you beat the competition and increase your performance thanks to advanced monitoring.

Our users save 20h/mo on average using the platform vs. benchmarking competitors manually.

See how Panoramata works:

Competitors tracking in one single platform

If you subscribe to everything, you won't stay of top of anything. You won't even get your own strategic work done. Let us spy for you so you can invest directly your time finding out what you should do, rather on checking what your competitors are doing.

What our customers say

Join 4,000+ companies & start tracking your competitors instantly in one place.
"I wish I knew this existed before"
"Best investment so far"
"Incredible benchmarks"
5 wow moments
"I'm saving a day a week"
"I wish I knew this existed before"
"Best investment so far"
"Incredible benchmarks"
5 wow moments
"I'm saving a day a week"
Ads Libraries x Email Marketing x Pinterest
, all in one"
"It's been a lifesaver"
"Just filled my todo with
awesome ideas
in 5'"
"I know
what my competitors are doing
in 30s"
"We offer much more value to our clients"
Ads Libraries x Email Marketing x Pinterest
, all in one"
"It's been a lifesaver"
"Just filled my todo with
awesome ideas
in 5'"
"I know
what my competitors are doing
in 30s"
"We offer much more value to our clients"
"Saves me hours!"
"It's incredible
how much things I learned
on competitors"
"I can see it had been built for me"
"It's so easy to
find the perfect example
"I feel so much better"
"Saves me hours!"
"It's incredible
how much things I learned
on competitors"
"I can see it had been built for me"
"It's so easy to
find the perfect example
"I feel so much better"

Your competitive advantage for performance marketing, delivered in your dashboard and to your inbox*

*20 times faster than it would take to gather this information yourself

Email & SMS marketing monitoring

We monitor your competitors emails & sms, and organize them for you.

Email flows & email automations breakdown

Discover your competitors' lost checkout flow, welcome flow, etc.

track discounts

Ads monitoring

On several networks (Meta, Google, Pinterest, Tiktok), monitor the ads published by your competitors, with full history access.

Brand profiles and Calendar View

Instantly see what a brand is doing well and when she's the most active.

Landing pages tracking

We track the changes made by your competitors on their website and on the landing pages they're using.


Industry-specific Benchmarks

Based on all collected data, we build industry benchmarks you'll use for real, and share to your team/clients.

Too busy right now?

Remind yourself to come back later via email.

Emails, Flows, Ads, Landing Pages, SMS, Softwares, etc.
Monitor your competitors automatically.