Ecommerce Analysis per Industry - Brand and Strategies Examples


You can compare here brands from the


industry - and for each brand, their main marketing moves, strategies and ecommerce software stack used (get insights on their Ads, Email Marketing, Landing Pages).

On Panoramata, you can track and monitor the marketing actions of any brand of the


industry). Head over our platform and search for any brand to get details about their email marketing strategy (incl. their emails!), their ads, landing pages, SMS, products, etc.

You'll get access to a platform to track what your competitors are doing and tools to help you find more efficient inspiration to improve your performances.

Here on this very page, our goal is to feature some of the best performing online brands from the


industry, to give you some of the marketing insights we collected for free and showcase some of the datapoints that we collect daily. On the platform, you'll have full unlimited access on this data.

On this page, you'll find:

  1. Related blog posts / insights
  2. Video insights
  3. 100+ brand examples from the industry
  4. Marketing softwares used

Video Insights

Brand examples & their detailed marketing strategy

A photo print is a physical copy of an image printed on photo-quality paper. Printing images requires special paper, which is coated with light-sensitive materials. This paper is available in different grades, which vary in smoothness and shine. Printing also requires an enlarger to increase the size of the image and developing and toning solutions, which help control its intensity and color.

Photo printing brings those moments back into our lives and they are tangible and easily accessible. They are shared when printed. They give children a sense of security and belonging when the photos are displayed throughout their own homes. In most cases, printed photographs become part of their home decor

If you’re planning to get a photo printing service for your digital pictures, you might want to check out these brands: Snapfish, Winkflash, CanvasPop, and Cheerz.

Next live session: Email Deliverability 101 - How To Send Better Emails

Upcoming Learning Session - Online Webinar - 22th Jan.
Tired of your emails landing in spam? Or worse - getting decent open rates but no sales? Join us for an exclusive event where we’ll share how to send better emails, improve your deliverability and increase your email marketing revenue.

Some ecommerce softwares used by these brands


Panoramata tracks automatically for you all your competitors marketing strategy in a single platform (emails, ads, landing pages, prices, SMS, flows, etc.)


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